Whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has received a study related to Greenhouses prepared by Storey Samways Planning Ltd. (SSPL);
and Whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has consulted with the residents of Lakeshore;
and Whereas residents by large majority have expressed opposition to Greenhouses in Lakeshore;
and Whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has inadequate infrastructure, related to traffic and water, to accommodate the Greenhouse Industry;
and Whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has insufficient resources to accommodate and enforce regulatory compliance required;
and Whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore lacks the frontline expertise to assess the potential impacts of Greenhouses on the environment;
and Whereas the Greenhouse Industry contributes to light and air pollution seriously impacting our environmental footprint;
and Whereas the Municipality of Lakeshore has no mechanism to change the Provincial legislation and reclassify Commercial green housing to industrial use;
Therefore, be it resolved that the Municipality of Lakeshore opposes large commercial Greenhouses in rural areas;
And be it further resolved that the Municipality requests that large commercial greenhouses are reclassified as industrial use.