Approve minor variance application A/23/2024, 3194 St. Clair Road, for the development of a new accessory building on the Subject Property:
• Relief from subsection 6.5 a) ix) to permit an accessory building to have a maximum gross floor area of 177.5 m2 (1,910.6 ft2), whereas subsection 6.5 a) ix) states that an accessory building shall not exceed a gross floor area of 55.0 m2 (592.0 ft2) for each accessory building on a lot in an R1, R2, R3, RW1, RW2, RM or HR zone.
• Relief from subsection 6.5 a) xi) to permit an accessory building to have a maximum height of 5.07 metres (16.64 feet), whereas subsection 6.5 a) xi) states that an accessory building shall not exceed 5 metres (16.40 feet) in height unless within an Agriculture zone.
It is recommended that the Committee of Adjustment impose the following conditions on approval of the minor variance application:
The existing garage on the subject property (22.0 ft by 24.0 ft as noted on the site plan drawing) is to be demolished prior to development of the proposed accessory building that is the subject of this application, to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Lakeshore.
It is recommended that the Committee of Adjustment include the following Notice in the Decision:
The owner must contact the Municipality of Lakeshore to apply for the appropriate permissions under the Zoning By-law or the Building Code, as the case may be, if the intention is to permit a commercial or residential use in the accessory building.