Municipality of Lakeshore

Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting

Council Chambers, 419 Notre Dame Street, Belle River
Members Present:
  • Mayor Tracey Bailey, 
  • Deputy Mayor Kirk Walstedt, 
  • Councillor Ryan McNamara, 
  • Councillor Paddy Byrne, 
  • Councillor Kelsey Santarossa, 
  • Councillor John Kerr, 
  • Councillor Ian Ruston, 
  • and Councillor Larissa Vogler 
Staff Present:
  • Chief Administrative Officer Truper McBride, 
  • Deputy Chief Administrative Officer - Chief Financial Officer Justin Rousseau, 
  • Corporate Leader - Community Health and Safety Frank Jeney, 
  • Corporate Leader - General Counsel Susan Hirota, 
  • Corporate Leader - Growth and Sustainability Tammie Ryall, 
  • Chief Workforce Development Officer Lisa Granger, 
  • Chief Information Officer Michael Martin, 
  • Division Leader - Capital Projects Wayne Ormshaw, 
  • Division Leader - Communications and Engagement Alex Denonville, 
  • Division Leader - Economic and Intergovernmental Affairs Ryan Donally, 
  • Division Leader - Legislative Services Brianna Coughlin, 
  • Team Leader - Legislative Services Cindy Lanoue, 
  • Team Leader - Community Planning Urvi Prajapati, 
  • Team Leader - Public Service Jenna Smith, 
  • Planner I Ian Search, 
  • and IT Technical Analyst Erik Pelland 

Mayor Bailey called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM in Council Chambers. 

Councillor Ryan McNamara joined the meeting at 9:19 PM. ()

Mayor Bailey called a recess in closed session at 5:23 PM. 

Council returned to open session at 6:00 PM.

  • 222-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Ruston
    Seconded ByCouncillor Vogler

    Council move into closed session in Council Chambers at 5:00 PM in accordance with:

    1. Paragraphs 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, for the purpose of conducting initial activities relating to the recruitment of a Chief Administrative Officer.
    2. Paragraph 239(2)(e) and (f) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege regarding an insurance claim.
    Carried Unanimously

Mayor Bailey opened the public meeting at 6:05 PM.

The Planner provided a PowerPoint presentation as overview of the application and recommendation of Administration.

There were no members of the public present that wished to speak to the application. 

The public meeting concluded at 6:10 PM.

  • 223-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Ruston
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor Walstedt

    Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-04-2023 (Zoning By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the lands known legally as, Part of the South half of Lot 16, Concession North Middle Road, Maidstone, designated as Parts 3 and 5 on Plan 12R29682, being Part of the Property Identifier Number 75025-0056(LT), and known municipally as 1475 O’Brien Sideroad, from “Agriculture (A)” to “Agriculture Zone Exception 1 (A-1)” zone (indicated as “1475 O’Brien Sideroad Retained Land” on the Key Map, Appendix C), in the Municipality of Lakeshore; 

    Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-05-2023 (Zoning By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the lands known legally as Part of the South half of Lot 15, Concession North Middle Road, Maidstone, designated as Part 1 on Plan 12R29682, being Part of the Property Identifier Number 75025-0035 (LT), and known municipally as 1162 County Road 46, from “Agriculture (A)” to “Agriculture Zone Exception 1 (A-1)” zone (indicated as “1162 County Road 46 Retained Land” on the Key Map, Appendix C), in the Municipality of Lakeshore; and

    Direct the Clerk to read By-law 72-2024 and By-law 73-2024 during the Consideration of By-laws, all as presented at the June 25, 2024 Council meeting.

    Carried Unanimously

Tony Haddad, Laura Wyman and Jordon Daniels from StrategyCorp were present electronically and provided a PowerPoint presentation as overview of the report. 

  • 224-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor McNamara
    Seconded ByCouncillor Santarossa

    Direct Administration to develop a detailed workplan and associated costing required to implement the recommendations and actions for Council’s consideration, as presented in the Service Delivery Review – Planning, Engineering, and Building Council Report as presented at the May 28 and June 25, 2024 Council meetings. 

    Carried Unanimously

Chas Anselmo and Rob Clayton from KPMG were present electronically and provided a PowerPoint presentation as overview of the report. 

  • 225-06-2024
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor Walstedt
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ruston

    Defer consideration of the Outcomes of the 2023 Workspace Assessment report to a Committee of the Whole discussion at the July 9, 2024 Council meeting. 

    Carried Unanimously
  • 228-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Byrne
    Seconded ByCouncillor Santarossa

    Approve the Town Hall Main Floor Renovation and Operations Renovation Concept Plans; 

    Direct Administration to proceed to tender and/or award for both projects based on procurement bylaw requirements, with considerations of incentives for the timely completion of the project; and

    Approve an additional $330,000.00 to be funded from the Facilities Reserve as presented at the April 30 and June 25, 2024 Council meetings.

    Carried Unanimously
  • 226-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Santarossa
    Seconded ByCouncillor Vogler

    Bring forward the 2024 Town Hall Renovation and Implementation Plan.

    Carried Unanimously
  • 230-06-2024
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor Walstedt
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ruston

    Receive the OPP Detachment Board Annual Report as listed on the Consent agenda. 

    Carried Unanimously
  • 227-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Santarossa
    Seconded ByCouncillor McNamara

    Defer consideration of the 2024 Town Hall Renovation and Implementation Plan to a Committee of the Whole discussion at the July 9, 2024 Council meeting.

    Carried Unanimously
  • 229-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor McNamara
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ruston

    Approve minutes of the previous meeting as listed on the Consent Agenda.

    1. June 11, 2024 Regular Council Meeting Minutes
    Carried Unanimously
  • 231-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Santarossa
    Seconded ByCouncillor Ruston

    Direct Administration to advise the County of Essex that the Municipality of Lakeshore supports the draft plan of subdivision approval for River Ridge Phase 8 by 1156756 Ontario Ltd. as described in the report presented at the June 25, 2024 Council Meeting.

    In Favour (7)Mayor Bailey, Councillor Santarossa, Councillor Kerr, Deputy Mayor Walstedt, Councillor McNamara, Councillor Ruston, and Councillor Vogler
    Opposed (1)Councillor Byrne
  • 232-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor McNamara
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor Walstedt

    Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-09-2024 to remove the Holding Symbol 4 (h4) from the lands legally described as Part of Lots 4 and 5, Concession East of Puce River, Geographic Township of Maidstone, Lakeshore, designated as Part 11 on Reference Plan 12R-21144, being part of the Property Identifier Number 75005-2102(LT) ; and

    Direct the Clerk to read By-law 71-2024 during the “Consideration of By-laws”, all as presented at the June 25, 2024 Council meeting.

    Carried Unanimously
  • 233-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Kerr
    Seconded ByCouncillor Santarossa

    Direct the Clerk to read By-law 70-2024, being a By-law to Adopt a Customer Service Standards Policy, during the Consideration of By-laws;

    Direct Administration to expand the software and service scope of PSD Citywide as presented with costs of $208,000.00 including first year licensing and implementation; 

    Pre-approve a Digital Transformation and Cloud Services operating budget increase of $75,000.00 in the Draft 2025 Budget; and

    Pre-approve a Public Service Unit operating budget increase of $255,000.00 in the Draft 2026 Budget, all as presented during the June 25, 2024 Council meeting.

    In Favour (7)Mayor Bailey, Councillor Santarossa, Councillor Kerr, Deputy Mayor Walstedt, Councillor McNamara, Councillor Byrne, and Councillor Ruston
    Opposed (1)Councillor Vogler
  • 234-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Santarossa
    Seconded ByCouncillor McNamara

    Approve the Lakeshore Public Art Policy and direct the Clerk to read By-Law 62-2024 adopting the policy; and

    Direct Administration to establish a Public Art Reserve fund and public art procedures for Council consideration during the 2025 budget deliberations, all as presented at the June 25, 2024 Council meeting.

    Carried Unanimously
  • 235-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Kerr
    Seconded ByCouncillor McNamara

    For Administration to bring forward a report/plan to place awareness signs along the roads where there are known animal crossings such as endangered and non endangered turtles. 

    In Favour (7)Mayor Bailey, Councillor Santarossa, Councillor Kerr, Deputy Mayor Walstedt, Councillor McNamara, Councillor Byrne, and Councillor Vogler
    Opposed (1)Councillor Ruston
  • 236-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Ruston
    Seconded ByCouncillor McNamara

    Extend the meeting past 9:30 PM.

    In Favour (7)Mayor Bailey, Councillor Santarossa, Deputy Mayor Walstedt, Councillor McNamara, Councillor Byrne, Councillor Ruston, and Councillor Vogler
    Opposed (1)Councillor Kerr

Councillor McNamara left the Council Chambers at 9:17 PM.

Councillor Ryan McNamara left the meeting at 9:18 PM. ()
  • 237-06-2024
    Moved ByCouncillor Kerr
    Seconded ByCouncillor Byrne

    That Council ask Corporate Leader - Community Health and Safety Services to open exploration dialog with the school board to see if there is a workable plan for Lakeshore to have public access to the tennis court at St Peter Street and South Street.

    In Favour (7)Mayor Bailey, Councillor Santarossa, Councillor Kerr, Deputy Mayor Walstedt, Councillor Byrne, Councillor Ruston, and Councillor Vogler

Councillor McNamara returned to the Council Chambers at 9:19 PM.

  • 238-06-2024
    Moved ByMayor Bailey
    Seconded ByDeputy Mayor Walstedt

    Whereas residents have identified the lack of signage for off-shore shoals as a safety concern;

    And whereas it is recognized that the land is not within the ownership or jurisdiction of the Municipality of Lakeshore;

    And whereas Transport Canada has jurisdiction over the waterway;

    Now therefore the Council of the Municipality of Lakeshore directs Administration to send correspondence to Transport Canada requesting that warning signage be erected.

    Carried Unanimously
  • 240-06-2024
    Moved ByDeputy Mayor Walstedt
    Seconded ByCouncillor McNamara

    Council move into closed session in Council Chambers at 9:31 PM in accordance with:

    1. Paragraph 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the purpose of discussing personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees relating to municipal service delivery.
    Carried Unanimously

The meeting was adjourned in closed session at 9:59 PM.

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