Delete and replace the conditions of provisional consent Schedule “A” to consent application B/12/2023 so that it reads as follows:
1) That the applicant obtains a proper survey and Reference Plan from an Ontario Land Surveyor for the severed parcel of land to the satisfaction of the Municipality;
2) That, if deemed required by the Drainage Superintendent, the applicant enter into an agreement with the Municipality prior to the stamping of the Deed regarding the apportionment of any current or future local improvements or drainage charges levied against the subject property;
3) That the applicant remove or relocate any fencing the crosses the boundary of the severed lot onto the retained land to the satisfaction of Community Planning;
4) That all municipal taxes be paid in full prior to the stamping of the Deed;
5) That the Deed and a copy for our records be forwarded to the Secretary for stamping;
6) That services be abandoned to the satisfaction of the Town of Essex;
7) That, to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Lakeshore, the applicant successfully amends the Lakeshore Zoning By-law 2-2012 to rezone the severed lot into a holding symbol that will only permit existing uses on the severed lot until the holding symbol is removed, with the condition for removal of the holding symbol being the confirmation of servicing (storm drainage, water and sanitary sewage) and servicing capacity from the Town of Essex, and development approval;
8) That all conditions be met in accordance with Subsection 53(41) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 by September 19, 2026. Failure to fulfill the conditions by this date, shall deem the consent refused, as per the Planning Act.
(2) Not consider the change to be minor, thereby requiring notice of change to the conditions of the provisional consent to be given in accordance with subsection 53(24) of the Planning Act.