Municipality of Lakeshore
Regular Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers, 419 Notre Dame Street, Belle River

  • Recommendation:

    Council move into closed session in Council Chambers at ___ PM in accordance with:

    1. Paragraph 239(2)(e), (f) and (k) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality regarding the Amy Croft area.
    2. Paragraph 239(2)(b) and (d) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and labour relations or employee negotiations, relating to the annual economic adjustment rate for non-union positions.
    3. Paragraph 239(2)(f) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, regarding Couture Road (private road).

Note: if the closed session is complete before 6:00 PM, a recess will be called until 6:00 PM and the open session will resume at that time. 

Should the closed session still be in session at 6:00 PM, the open session will resume once the closed session is complete. 

  • Recommendation:

    Approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application ZBA-09-2023 (Zoning By-law 2-2012, as amended), to rezone the lands known municipally as 0 Middle Road, and legally as PT S1/2 LOT 1 CON NMR MAIDSTONE DESIGNATED AS PT 1 ON 12R29146 from ‘Rural Commercial / Employment (CR)’ to ‘Rural Commercial / Employment Exception 53 (CR-53)’; and

    Direct the Clerk to read By-law 59-2023 during the Consideration of By-laws, all as presented at the June 27, 2023 Council meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    Approve the Asset Management Strategy for the Municipality of Lakeshore presented at the June 27, 2023 Council meeting; and Administration develop an action plan and funding strategy in the development of future budgets for the implementation of the Asset Management Strategy.

  • Recommendation:

    Award the RFP for the design and replacement of the IT Network to Optimus Tech Solutions as the respondent with the highest total score, direct Administration to fund the overage of $46,248 from the IT Lifecycle Reserve, as presented at the June 27, 2023 Council Meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    Direct the Division Leader – Community Services:

    1. To investigate possible solutions to the Atlas Tube Recreation Centre’s concession location, to mitigate patrons within the ice rink hallways, utilizing the Atlas Tube Recreation Centre’s room’s 010 (pro shop), 011 (common kitchen or server), and room 012 (snack bar or concessions); and
    2. To prepare an agreement to enter into a one-year contract with Belle River Source for Sports for the rental of the Atlas Tube Recreation Centre’s Room 010 – Pro Shop, in the amount of $308 per month, during the months of September 2023 to March 2024, for a total of $2,156.00 plus HST; and
    3. To post an RFP for Concession operations for a one year term from September 2023 to March 2024, to allow for potential changes to the space beginning in April 2024; all as presented at the June 27, 2023 Council meeting.
  • Recommendation:

    Direct the Clerk to read By-law 43-2023, being a by-law to amend By-law 34-2019, during the Consideration of the By-laws, as presented at the June 27, 2023 Council meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    Council move into closed session in Council Chambers at ___ PM in accordance with:

    1. Paragraph 239(2)(b) of the Municipal Act, 2001 to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, relating to the Chief Administrative Officer performance evaluation.
  • Recommendation:

    Council adjourn its meeting at ___ PM.

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